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Find out the mental and spiritual reasons when women have difficulties to get pregnant
October 05, 2012

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

Before I start with part III of the article: 'Is it becoming more difficult for women to get pregnant?' let me remind you that our next Chakra Meditation is on sunday the 7th of october.

(By the way: Meditation helps to get pregnant by bringing body, mind and spirit into balance :)

For registration and details go here

Now back to part III: The mental level:

The following beliefs and inner conflicts, as well as anxieties and other negative emotions, block your energy system and can make it difficult to get pregnant:

- I believe that I can only be successful in my job or career
- I cannot stand up to the pressure from parents/parents-in-law or society
- I cannot be weak
- I am unable to handle conflicts
- I am unable to enter bonds or fulfil duties
please read on here

For your health,

Anja Hertkorn
Praxis fuer Energie-Therapie
Energy Therapy Practice

0032-478-310 684

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